Downloadable Rules & Regulations Form

PAYMENT: For night-to-night usage, payment must be made in advance and in full prior to connecting to power, water, or sewer. These utilities are included for night-to-night guests. For long-term guests, usage and billing is outlined in the Lease Agreement. Use of additional plug-in heaters or outdoor appliances is not permitted.

CAMPERS/RVS: For long-term entrance to the park, campers need to be in the last ten model years or have specific permission granted. No additional tent camping without permission. Only one Camper or RV is permitted per site. No soliciting or any commercial activity. By building code laws, tires may not be removed and campers must remain in movable condition at all times. No RVs that fall into a state of disrepair will be allowed to remain in the park.

VEHICLES: Speed limit is 5 MPH. Take care to be aware of any children or blind corners. One vehicle may be parked next to your site. Leave space for trailers pulling around. No ATV’s or motorcycles in the Park except for a properly tagged motorcycle and driver. Golf carts not permitted. All vehicles in the Park must be properly licensed and insured. No vehicle repairs can be performed in the Park. Emergency repairs may be allowed with manager approval. Washing vehicles is not permitted. Washing Campers is permitted once per month unless otherwise posted. Be aware of water runoff and practice water conservation. Parking on roads is prohibited.

QUIET HOURS AND BEHAVIOR: Between 10 pm and 8 am campers are expected to respect others by keeping quiet hours. Rowdiness, loud music, abusive language, violent behavior, and drunkenness, possession or use of drugs will not be tolerated at any time. Objectionable conduct of any kind or violation of any park rule or anyone causing a disturbance will immediately be asked to leave the premises and will forfeit all fees. Vandalism in any form will not be permitted. Management reserves the right to evict or refuse entry to any person who has evidenced a disregard for the rules without a refund. Guests and their visitors use the site at their own risk.

VISITORS: Visitors to each campsite are limited to three couples and their children (max of 10 people) providing that no more than one couple and their children may stay overnight with the occupants of each site. Exceptions to this rule may be discussed with the management. Tenants are responsible for the conduct of their visitors, and are responsible for making them aware of Park rules.

CHILDREN: Parents are responsible for the supervision, conduct, and behavior of their children at all times. Children are not to be left unsupervised in the Park. Children must be accompanied by an adult at the creek or campfire.

DRUGS/ALCOHOL/SMOKING: No illegal drug use or possession in the Park. The display of alcoholic beverage cans, bottles, or containers is prohibited in the park. Those who smoke must respect the space of others and leave no related trash.

PETS: Up to two house pets (meaning that they spend their primary existence in the RV) may be permitted, subject to the following stipulations. Pets must be disclosed in the application and approved by the management. All pets must be kept on a leash at all times when outdoors. Pets may not be allowed to remain outside when not accompanied by an adult. No pets can be left outside overnight, due to noise issues. Pets must not be secured to any trees or property owned by the Park. No horses or other “farm” animals are allowed in the Park. Visitors may bring up to one pet per family, but are also subject to these rules. Animals must not be allowed to use the bathroom on any RV site, adjoining site or on Park trails or roads. Owners of pets are responsible for cleanup of their pets. No vicious dog breeds or mix of such breeds or dogs that have a history or any bites to humans will be allowed. Tenants and Visitors are responsible for any wrongful acts performed by their pets. Vicious dog breeds include, but are not limited to: Rottweilers, German Shepherd, Doberman Pinscher, Bull Mastiff, Pit Bulls, and Chow Chows. Pets must be licensed and inoculated in accordance with local law. Any pet running loose in the Park will be turned over to Animal Control or other authority. Recurring violations of this rule will lead to the loss of the privilege to maintain a pet. Pets will not be allowed to cause any disturbance which might annoy neighbors, including, but not limited to, barking, growling, biting or any other unusual noises or damage. Under no condition is a pet to invade the privacy of anyone's site, flower beds, shrubs, etc. Pet owners are responsible at all times for their pets, including injury, destruction, and annoyances to other Residents, and the Park and Park Management shall not be liable for any loss, damage or injury of any kind whatsoever caused by Resident's pet. Feeding of stray cats and other animals is prohibited.

TRASH: Outside of RV and Site must be kept clean and free of debris. All Tenants and Visitors must clean each site prior to vacating and assure that no sewer contents are allowed to spill onto the ground. Failure to clean site or leave it in clean condition will be the financial responsibility of the Tenant. Trash must be removed by Tenants and/or Visitors. All trash maintained outside camper units will be in a plastic or metal container with a lid that provides total enclosure of contents to prevent animal disturbance and to promote sanitary conditions. No more than one outside container for trash is allowed. Trash must be removed from the campground at least one time per week and after termination of term of stay. Cooking grease must not be dumped on the ground, in the creek, or in the sewer system.

FIREARMS: No firearms may be discharged in or around the Park except for personal protection. All firearms must be concealed from view while in Park. They must be safely maintained and secured. Firearms are to be safely secured during any period under the influence of alcohol. All firearms inside or outside of vehicles/campers must be secured to prevent the use or handling by juveniles.

BUILDINGS/STORAGE: No temporary buildings, structures, outside appliances, window air conditioners, etc. without management approval. Limit of two (2) Large ice chests or Rubbermaid-type containers on each site. All property must be in the confines of the space.

GROUNDS: General grounds maintenance is maintained by Park. Tenants and Visitors must be responsible for personal property, vehicles, and trash. In common areas, use common sense, and leave areas in good condition for other guests to use. Tenants must have permission before driving any stakes into the ground for safety purposes.

WATER: Water is provided from the city. Campers are encouraged to have their own filtration to remove any sediment and/or flavor.

SEWER: Sewage and gray water must not run on the ground. A positive sewer seal is required at both ends of your sewer hose.

CONFORMANCE TO RULES: Occupants and their vehicles may be removed without a judicial hearing by law enforcement officers upon 72 hours written notice for failure to pay full amount of space rental when due or for failure to comply with written rules and regulations of the park. Management assumes no responsibility for accidents, injuries, or losses from any cause. The camper agrees to carry and maintain in full force and effect adequate property and liability insurance on any vehicle or recreational unit brought into the park. We are not responsible for your losses due to theft, fire, storms, accidents, or rushing or rising water. Connecting to any water, electric, or sewer connection in this Park constitutes acceptance of these Rules. Those who do so also release the Park, its officers and employees of all liability for loss or damage to property and injury to Tenant’s and Visitor’s person arising out of Tenant’s and Visitor’s use of the Park and facilities.

These rules are for health, cleanliness, legality and welfare of all. We know most RV’ers to be some of the most helpful, honest, and kind people in the world with good common sense, needing no written rules as they already honor the welfare and rights of others. These rules are to guide those who do not yet respect the property and rights of others.

Thank you for helping to keep this Park enjoyable for yourself and the others around you. We sincerely hope you enjoy your stay here.

Downloadable Rules & Regulations Form